April 19, 2012

Trend Alert: Butterfly Decor

I love butterflies! And as pretty as they are flying around I much prefer the dead ones mounted in frames. I don't mean to be cruel (the butterflies are collected after they have died naturally) or gross, but it's the truth. Growing up I (and many of my cousins) admired the set of butterflies hanging on the wall in my grandparent's living room. For years I've been coveting some of my own - bookmarking links I found online, drooling over photos in magazines & dragging my husband with me (twice!) to Victoria Butterfly Gardens hoping that framed photos he took would fill my void. So when asked what I wanted for my birthday this year the natural answer was framed butterflies - and that's what I got! Knowing how picky I am my husband let me select the butterflies myself, and after hours agonizing over different wing structures, patterns & colours I finally chose the 3 I had to have:
If you check out the website we ordered mine from you'll see why it was difficult to decide. Luckily eliminating the expensive ones (see if you can spot the $398 butterfly!) and the ones requiring permits narrowed down the choices.

I've hung my butterflies on the wall in my entry for everyone that comes over to see (photo to come).  Since hanging them I've noticed all sorts of butterfly home decor items while sourcing for clients and browsing on Etsy (I'm obsessed!).  I might just need a butterfly throw pillow next!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool Cara! I remember those butterflies at Gramma & Grampa's - I love the ones you chose.
